Git and GitHub

Welcome to the HackStack workshop for ReactJs. At the end of this workshop, you'll get familiar with ReactJs and will be able to build interactive user interfaces and web applications quickly and efficiently.

Building projects would not be sufficient. You'd often need to contribute to other projects and store your project directory too. Here's where Git and GitHub come into play. Follow the given video to get familiar with Git and GitHub.

P.S. Don't be disheartened if you don't understand everything in one go. Git is a vast topic, and you'll achieve proficiency after working with it for a while.

Watch the following videos (both English and Hindi tutorials are provided) to get the basics of Git and Github-

VS Code Setup

You need an environment to develop code efficiently to work with any tech stack. Interactive Development Environments(IDEs) help programmers do this. One such IDE is Visual Studio Code, or simply VS Code. It is a source code editor developed by Microsoft with the Electron framework for Windows, Linux and macOS.

Follow this video if you are a Windows user -

Follow this video if you are a MacOS User -

Follow these videos if you are a Linux User (Watch both videos) -

What is React.Js..? Why React..?

React.js, often referred to as React, is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs). It was developed by Facebook and released in 2013. React.js is widely used for creating interactive and dynamic web applications.

React.js is based on the concept of reusable UI components. A component in React is a self-contained module that encapsulates its own state and behaviour. These components can be combined together to form complex UIs. React takes care of efficiently updating and rendering the components as the state changes. Some of its major features are: